Friday, May 8, 2009

Rivaled the Beach Boys and The Beatles

This group, formed in New Jersey in 1961, featured the glorious three-octave vocal range and amazing falsetto of the lead singer. They wrote and arranged their own hits, which was rare for a vocal group at that time. They also crafted heartbreaking, highly dramatic tales of teen romance. The group rivaled only the Beach Boys and the Beatles for popularity in the early Sixties. This was quite a feat! First white act signed to Vee-Jay Records. Met Elvis Presley while appearing as their former-named group on The Ed Sullivan Show.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of groups in the NJ area in the 60's. I just think the falsetto is just amazing. How anyone can pitch their voice so high is beyond me. Just like the Beach Boys and Jan & Dean, there are quite a few guys that have this capability. Maybe if I knew what the band used to be named, I would have more of a clue. But, no matter. It's just great to learn more about the musical artists when I was young.


Turbo Tagger